From Our Members
“We Are One” written and performed by
Wild Earth Spiritual Community members
The music and lyrics are written by members of the Wild Earth Spiritual Community and performed in a folk style by WESC member Jane Pittman. The song captures the spirit of what our congregation celebrates.
We invite fellow congregations and any other group that shares the meaning of this song to sing it or use the attached recording as you see fit in your community.
Copyright 2021. Permission to use with attribution granted.
Performed by Jane Pittman
Music by Jon Nowick
Lyrics by the Wild Earth Spiritual Community
Copernican Revolution
by Ginge Sivigny - 3/4/2011
The time has come for me to let go
of the old world view,
the one ingrained in me from childhood.
Earth sandwiched between
heaven and hell,
supervised by an
all-knowing, personally intervening
(whether loving or judging doesn’t matter.)
Letting go
exacts every bit as much courage
as giving up belief
in a flat, stable earth,
daring to define myself
as peripheral, not central ,
standing on a spinning,
cosmically miniscule,
dynamic bio- sphere,
tethered to it only by
an unseen force.
At what point did I make the leap from
hiding behind the veil
of religious doctrines:
incarnation, resurrection, original sin, redemption?
When did I begin to place my trust instead
in scientific truths—or theories
(perhaps comprehensible to others, but)
equally mysterious to me:
evolution, quarks, neutrinos, black holes, pulsars?
I am ready to discard discredited
proclamations of popes and priests,
finding it
less absurd,
less violent to my psyche
to trust
explanations and explorations
of scientists—even as they
consistently and continuously
disprove their own past certainties
in the quest to unravel truth.
It is scary
to shed the cloak of certainty
which I used to name faith,
to forego the security
of an omnipresent Fixer on Demand.
For many years I’ve asked
To whom am I praying?
and long ago began rejecting
gods made in the image and likeness of man.
But now to stand without the crutch,
to admit how little I know,
how little I understand,
is finally to genuflect to
Ultimate Mystery.
I do consider it acceptable
to name that Mystery
So this spring is for me
a new genesis.
A time for renewal,
not of my baptismal vows,
but of my sense of self,
my sense of my place in time and space,
open to an adult understanding
of eternity and universe.
Realizing who I am,
and knowing profoundly
that I am intrinsically connected,
interwoven with all life and all lives,
responding to and reflecting
the same creative force,
participating in the same being,
that ground which permeates all beings,
animate and inanimate.
This is my Easter:
to break through my fear
into freedom.
Freedom to grow, to ripen, to age
in and into
the fullness of life
which is Love.
by Rebecca Leet*
Lime green lichen inch
across shallow remains
fungi turning a once-maple
into tawny humus,
releasing from death
what yet spawns life.
Sounds of seekers –
a cappella, drums –
joined by birdsong
carry on woodland breeze,
decomposing notions
of sanctuary.
*Rebecca Leet’s poem on “Church of the Wild” was written for Church of the Wild, MD/DC/VA, now Wild Earth Spiritual Community.