Wild Earth Spiritual Community
We seek to live in deeper relationship with Earth, Divine Presence and each other. We gather twice monthly in sacred, natural woodlands in the Metro DC area. We are a diverse, inclusive and inter-spiritual community. Our gatherings combine contemplative spiritual practices with songs and chants, drumming, silent wandering and fellowship. Our practices enhance and grow our commitment to Earth and Her Beings, informing the work we do individually and collectively in the outer world.
We are a member of the Wild Church Network.
“We Are One” written and performed by
Wild Earth Spiritual Community members
The music and lyrics are written by members of the Wild Earth Spiritual Community and performed in a folk style by WESC member Jane Pittman. The song captures the spirit of what our congregation celebrates.
We invite fellow congregations and any other group that shares the meaning of this song to sing it or use the attached recording as you see fit in your community.
Copyright 2021. Permission to use with attribution granted.
Performed by Jane Pittman
Music by Jon Nowick
Lyrics by the Wild Earth Spiritual Community